29 March 2007

Progress is good

On the weekend I worked on chapters 2 and 3 of my manuscript and I'm really happy with how it's progressing. This could mean a few of things:

1. I'm delusional coz I'm actually writing a heap of crap.
2. My standards are low.
3. I was working on someone else's manuscript.
4. My writing is improving with practice.

Let's hope it's number 4! Peter Bishop from the Varuna Centre advised me to focus on compacting description/action into the fewest words possible; that is, to make each word/sentence achieve more than one thing. So that's what I've been trying to do. It's not always easy but I am finding that the more I attempt it, the better at it I get. After all, a good manuscript is a tight manuscript!

I've also been chipping away at the research, trying to do at least 30 mins reading each day. It's not much but it'll add up to something eventually (I hope...)

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