4 December 2007

Just when you think it's all under control...

Okay, well I never really had it under control. But getting sick and not being able to even go near a computer for almost a week really does throw a spanner in the works.

For some reason, I seem to catch every virus going around, and manage to get it ten times worse than everyone else. But thanks to taking it easy & resting I think I'm on the mend now. At least, I've managed to use the computer today and rewrite the all important first page of my manuscript.

I'll be getting feedback about my new opening page from the rest of the cohort group later this week. When rewriting the first page I really tried to follow Alison Goodman's advice on how to give it maximum impact. So I'm looking forward to the group giving me feedback on whether I've achieved this or not and how I can improve.

So that's another small milestone completed. But it means that the short story for the competition isn't finished yet. That's not looking good, but who knows, maybe I'll get inspired tomorrow to get it finished in time.