13 March 2007

How do you eat an elephant?

...one bite at a time. My good friend Helen gave me this piece of (somewhat strange) advice many years ago and it's something I need to pay attention to right now.

Last Saturday I spent almost 5 hours in a lecture theatre listening to an information overload on research and thesis writing. Am I freaking out? Am I thinking I've bitten off more than I can chew? Am I ready to run for the hills?

Yes, yes and yes!

But I'm going to sit back for a minute, think of Helen's advice (which, of course, really has nothing to do with the rather perverse idea of eating one of our planet's most amazing animals) and work out which tiny bite I need to take first.

Any words of advice/encouragement will be gratefully accepted :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Ree congratulations on your blog - its cool to watch your progress this way. I like your story idea and agree with the small bites analogy although as a vegetarian I recommend nibbling on broccoli rather than elephants. Fortunately your life and writing experiences thus far should keep you from freaking out about the demands of your masters/children/work/lover committments. Go Aunty Ree!!! love claire