21 May 2009

Rejection recovery

It's a week since I got that rejection that devastated me and I've had a chance to cry about it and talk to my friends about it and slowly I'm getting some perspective on it.

I think it's a good idea for me to leave the manuscript alone for a while; not look at it and not submit it anywhere else. I need to get some distance from the manuscript and the whole project. Maybe by the end of the year I'll be able to get some objectivity about it and look at doing another rewrite. I could get another manuscript assessment done but there's probably not a lot that would achieve, especially as I have the examiners' comments to work with.

So for now, at least, Girl in the Shadows will remain tucked away from sight while I get my head around the reasons why I write and whether or not they are enough to keep me going.

1 comment:

Harmony Steel said...

Hi Maree, Harm here. Is self-publishing an option? Your friends could certainly get together and whip you up a promotional website and engage in some guerilla marketing tactics to get the word out.

If we can make the book go viral via YouTube that would certainly target your demographic too wouldn't it?

Anyway, all that to say, if there's anything I can do to help just let me know.
