25 May 2009

Craziness ensues

Perhaps this isn't a good time to be making big decisions. But I seem to have inadvertently made one anyway.

I had a chat with someone at uni last week and at the end of the conversation the outcome seemed to be that I had decided to do a Phd.

According to myself, I loved doing the research on brain development and trauma so much that I've decided to wade into the mire once more and go even deeper.

Oh well, why the hell not. The timeline for having a long and illustrious career in a field that would give me an honorary doctorate has pretty much passed me by.

If I'm ever going to get anyone to call me 'doctor', a Phd looks like the only way.

It's a big call. And I'll need to get some words down and get my head around it to make sure that deciding to undertake a Phd is not just an over-reaction to the devastating rejection.

Stay tuned...

PS if anyone is willing to offer me an honorary doctorate, now would be a good time.

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