7 May 2009

I hate rejections!

Every writer knows that rejections are part and parcel of the publishing world. But that doesn't make you feel any better when you get one. Especially when the rejection is essentially a rote note written on a scrap of paper (okay, maybe not a scrap of paper but one of those crappy 'with compliments' type notes).

Maybe it's just me, but I think if you've taken the time and effort to make a professional submission, the other party should at least bother to write their rejection on a full size A4 letter. And sign their name legibly.

Perhaps they think they're doing their bit for saving the environment by using little bitty scraps of paper for rejections rather than an A4 piece of paper. There could be an argument for that. But if that was the case, I'd rather have a polite email & then there would be no paper wastage at all.

Well, enough ranting from me. Time to get back to writing.

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