22 June 2007

Nearly finished another rewrite

I got heaps of writing done last weekend. Didn't touch my AIRS assignment, which is due on 30 June at the absolute latest, but I'll look at this weekend (seriously, I mean it, I think...)

So this weekend I'm tackling the tricky part of the rewrite, which is the final few chapters. With the changes I've made to how Tash is handling things there's quite a bit I need to change. It'll be a challenge but hopefully I'm up to it.

I've attacked the left-brain-itis by getting out a few art books (Klee, Picasso,Chagall, Miro) and I just look at the colour plates before I start writing to shift my brain into right-gear. I think it's working. I was really fired up to write last weekend and did about 10 hours all up over the two days. It was the first time in ages where I felt really compelled to write, that I just had to get it down.

I also had a few conversations with Tash. By tapping into her voice and just writing down what comes out without any editing, I can then go on to put more of her voice directly into the manuscript. It helps me tune into her more. I don't seem to have much trouble tuning into Mal - never have. Not quite sure why that is. I suppose it's because she's more open and curious. Mal doesn't have any dark secrets. She's been fairly lucky in life so far.

Not so poor Tash. But she's working it out. And once she gets through the horrors of facing up to what's in her past, she'll be a force to contend with.

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