18 June 2009

Change pace; change direction

As a result of a conversation with friends a couple of weeks ago, I've decided to change direction for a couple of months. I will get back to the 'new project' but right now I'm throwing myself into a completely different project for a short while.

Okay, not exactly completely different. I'm giving myself six weeks to rewrite an old spec-fic manuscript that I wrote back in 2003/04. I've had some excellent feedback about this manuscript in the past but there were some plot elements that just weren't working. But now I'm giving it a brand new lease of life.

I don't want to give away too much, but I'm upping the action, upping the pace and adding a bit more gore. It will still have that speculative fiction aspect, but I'm moving it more towards myth-based horror.

I think a complete change in writing direction will help me refocus both on what I want to do with Girl in the Shadows down the track, and also what I want to do with a Phd.

One things for sure. I can't give up writing even if I want to. Even if I never get a trade publisher to publish my books. Even if the only people who read what I write are family, friends and the editors who reject them. I couldn't give up writing anymore than I could give up breathing (and in both cases, I'd end up dead).

But for now it's bum down, head up and action stations. So stay tuned...

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