16 May 2008

Maybe it's time the rewriting stopped...

It's time to start tying all the bits and pieces together. This manuscript has changes so much from my original draft that it's almost a completely different story! And there comes a point where you have to stop rewriting, take a deep breath, take stock of where the story is and make a decision about its future.

Doing the masters course has really helped in the development of this manuscript. But I think it's time that I stopped the constant rewriting and started to hone the final draft. Otherwise I could be stuck in a kind of groundhog day rewriting loop, and that is a place I don't want to be.

So this weekend, I'm printing out the whole manuscript and reading it from start to finish. Let's hope I like what I read...

1 comment:

Sheldon Page said...

Hi Maree,
I just dropped by to see how you are going. Great to see you are still at it!
How did the re-read of your manuscript go ?