27 November 2007


I got a bit of a start on my chapter 1 rewrite on the weekend but I have too many distractions at the moment, including a short story I'm trying to get finished for a short story comp that closes next week.

I need more time! But where I get it from is a problem. Still, it's a problem most writers face so at least I know I'm not alone.

I really, really want to finish this short story. And I only have another week to do it. So, maybe the chapter 1 rewrite will have to wait just a little bit longer. After I finish the short story, I'll get into the new chapter 1 in a big way. Definately. No doubt about it.

Well, at the very least I have to have written a new first page to present for group critique on 6 December.

Looks like I've got clashing deadlines... such is life.

(maybe I'll take a mental health day!)


Anonymous said...

Dear Maree, I know the challenges that you are talking about. Constantly balancing the demands of family, friends, work and your own personal time, while trying to stay in that creative grove.

Can you take yourself to a space that is free of demands and distractions?

I do a little writing for my own personal enjoyment and I can appreciate the demands your are facing.

Stay focused, believe and achieve !
(PS This is a great Blog!)

Maree Kimberley said...

Thanks for your encouragement, Sheldon. I appreciate it :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Maree, did you get your short story for the competition finished in time ?
Please let us know how you faired.