3 June 2007

Over another hurdle

The presentation is now over and done with and I'm really bloody happy about that.

It wasn't nervewracking to deliver because it was just in front of our cohort and the supervisors. But it was still a big relief to get it out of the way, especially because it had been taking up valuable writing time.

I still have that (seemingly pointless) research module to complete sometime this month, but I'm about half way through that so I figure I'll just do a bit each lunchtime & get it over and done with that way.

Yesterday was the first time I managed to get some time on my manuscript and I'm getting into it today as well (when I'm not procrastinating, that is). I'm about half way through this rewrite. I'm finding some sections flow really well and others need lots of work.

Sometimes it's only a paragraph that isn't working, but it can take ages to get it to where I want it to be. Like now, I should be (and I will as soon as I upload this) working on a small paragraph where Tash, Mal & Mal's mother Sue are on their way back from the doctor's surgery (Tash has just had treatment for a bad burn on her hand). I'm trying to get the atmosphere in the car just right. But there are literally dozens, if not hundreds, of ways just to get this small piece of information across. And yet only one of them is perfect.

I suppose I'd better get back into it and see if I can figure out exactly which sentences are the right ones.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good morning maree. i am excited for you getting over another hurdle-lucky you have such long legs! in regard to your concerns about your girl's 'lying' especially when it confuses the validity of her diary entries, remember that we all lie to protect ourselves, and she needs to have someone to trust. Adults always react to childrens/teenagers lies with anger. They take it as a personal affront that they haven't been told the truth. But it isn't about the adults - its about a young persons fight for survival even against their own confused thoughts. Why do adults place such importance on the "You lied to me!" when they themselves lie all the time - in their relationships, workplace, etc.? Don't give up on Tash. She needs you to believe in her. love your big blister. xxxxxx