30 March 2009

A master at last (almost)

I've passed my masters - yay!

I still have to do a few minor updates to it but I've officially passed. I was really happy with the examiners' comments both for the manuscript and the exegesis.

One examiner described Girl in the Shadows as "an engaging and well-paced work with credible characters, convincing thematic development, written in a style which was both clear and yet suggestively obtuse in parts, and with plenty of suspense with which to maintain the reader's interest."

The other examiner said "The writing has a lovely fluidity about it and the atmosphere is created very vividly. The dialogue is especially strong and the conversations between Mal and her mother are very good. I also think the relationship between the teenage girls is well constructed."

As my daughter would say "Go me!" :)

I'm really happy with the outcome. And although the masters was a lot (and I mean A Lot) of work, I'm a much better writer for having done it. Doing all the research, as painful as it was sometimes, really paid off for me.

Now all I have to do is find a publisher...